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CA/RER Data monitor
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Ocean Solar is a private residence located in Cannon Beach, OR, right on the beach. The owner requested Cascade Solar to implement a renewable energy system capable of supplying 100% of the home's baseline electricity consumption.

The result was a 5600 W (DC) photovoltaic system installed on multiple roofs facing south, east, and west. Cascade Solar designed the system, including provisions for a hostile (windy, salt-corrosive) environment. The system monitors power consumption, power production, solar radiation on three surfaces, and more.

Cascade Solar organized and collaborated with partners Gary Higbee Technical Services, Electric Norm, and Solar Assist to perform the actual installation work. Cascade also designed, installed, and programmed the complex monitoring system, including datalogger and displays, which supplies data to the owner, the solar team, and others via Ocean Solar's web site. The system was up and operating early June, 2002.



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